Frolicing Sheep Poster Designed by Heather Brady
Its Show Time
And this is the first show of the year for us !
What can i tell you about the 'Frolic'......
It could very well be the best show in Eastern Canada. The Venue hasn't changed locations in years & i think it is one of the most beautiful locations to have a fibre event from a building stand point.
The Frolic came to its current location on Apirl 16Th 2005

The Frolic came to its current location on Apirl 16Th 2005

The first Frolic show was held in 1998 at the Bloor Street United Church about 150 people attended. The Organizing committee of 5 & the Current President Carole Adams work incredibly hard to bring this great show to life giving their time for free.
Today's show see's over 2,000 people through the doors thanks to the Dedicated work of the Down Town Knit Collective whose Goal is to 'share the advancement of knitting through the sharing of idea's & techniques, education & Community involvement' their goal appears to be working not only in the number of people that attend but the fact that they have chosen such a beautiful place to host & will continue to do so for years to come.
A quiet little spot to sit in the Japanese Garden
Natural Light Filled spaces can be found everywhere in this building !
This brings me onto what we will give as a 'Raffle Prize'....this year we decided to give a $100 Gift certificate spendable at our booth on Frolic day, so if you happen to be the Lucky winner just stop by the booth & present your gift card & you can carry off 100 bucks worth of products.... all our yarns, even the pure qiviut!
For those readers who can't attend i have this.....
This is 100% Magical Qiviut in 3ply a huge skein of Raven Black 140 grams with 567 Yards