Saturday, December 1, 2012

December yarn giveaway...more mill Ends !

Another Lovely lot in need of a new home !

In this giveaway we have 383 grams  of yarn in 2ply lace, 3ply and 4ply.

small amount of 100% qiviut,

100% angora in lace,

big 100gram skein of qiviut sock yarn (45% qiviut) that went wrong. The nylon has made the colour go a bit streaky so was rejected could die it a solid black & that would probably cover the streaks,

some red 3ply Angora rabbit yarn- 2 skeins,

black 100% qiviut 2ply- went wrong so was rejected !

A mix of some blends with cash & silk,

a bit of 4 ply sock yarn.

One winner chosen at random.
From: 01- December 2012 TO 31- December 2012.

As its almost Christmas....... tell us what you love most about Christmas !

We have monthly giveaways too on out Ravelry group.......join in, you may just wine some yarn.
Each month we will pick at random a member for a free yarn giveaway just for being a group member.

 Members who post photos of their FO's knit from ANY of our yarns will be in with a chance to win more yarn.....yarn will be awarded for beautiful projects !

here's the group link:

My other Blog:
Just posted the December Shetland wool giveaway !


  1. Celebrating the birth of Jesus... that is what Christmas is to me and what I love about it.

  2. Hanging with family. We're too spread out to see each other often enough.

  3. I love watching the faces of my little grandchildren. :)

  4. I love everything about Christmas :-)

  5. I enjoy the celebrations and sparkly lights, watching my kids get so excited, keeping it simple, and focusing on the "reason for the season". winterwrens at gmail dot com

  6. Christmas is the time for good food and family.

  7. My favorite thing about christmas are the lights decorating houses. Especially when they shine through snow

  8. I love the crisp clean air, candle lights and special food, as in treats that come by once a year.

  9. I just love Christmas, everything. The tree, the lights, bright eyed children. I love giving the most.
    Thank you for offering these wonderful giveaways.

  10. Christmas down in New Zealand is celebrated mid-summer. For me the best part is spending time with family esp. my beloved wee grandson.

  11. I love the possibility of snow. My kids say they love the baking!

  12. Candles and handknitted sweaters!

  13. Family gathering from all over if possible, yummy treats that I don't make any other time than Christmas time, time to hand out all the knitting I've been doing in secret! (and start all over again!)

  14. Family. Spending time with your people. It's a yearly "where have you been and where are you going" family census.

  15. Celebrating the birth of my Redeemer, Jesus Christ, comes first. All the other beauty and fun come from that. Thanks for the chance :-)

  16. Poinsettia and Christmas tree makes my heart beat with joy!


  17. Enjoying lights and quiet time with family (staying away from the shops).

  18. I love the snow, endless delicious food, and the excitement of giving presents!

  19. So many things. The food, the family, the giving (I love making the people I love happy). And (hides head) I love the made for TV sappy Christmas movies!

  20. I love seeing all of my family... and all of the delicious food!

  21. I love the fellowship of the Christmas season! Everyone getting together at the same time is the most wonderful thing! Multiple generation photos at Christmas are the best!

    1. Hello,your name was drawn, you are the winner.....pls contact me with your details so we can mail out your yarns....happy new year.

  22. I love giving, and baking and getting more time to knit.

  23. I love everything about Christmas, but especially the mince pies!

  24. I love Christmas because of the wonderful smells and it is cool outside.

  25. For me it's about the birth of our savior..... and giving away all the things I knitted over the year. :o)

  26. The presents! 'cause I'm kind of shallow that way ;) Just kidding. I love seeing family and baking some tasty treats.

  27. I love going to church with my father (a retired Anglican clergyman). He had a brain injury a couple of years ago so his memory is really terrible. But, he sings along in beautiful bass harmony and remembers all the words to the Christmas carols. Love the power of music! (and the excuse to knit for all sorts of friends/family/teachers!)

  28. I make myself a special pair of fingerless mitts every year on Christmas. I'm already trying to decide which pattern to use and I love the whole process. :)

  29. I LOVE spending time with my sister. She's finishing her PhD at Notre Dame, and I never get to see her. But, during winter holiday, we sit around and knit/crochet up a storm. it's quite the blessing!

  30. I love spending time with family and friends, and of course snuggling with my wife as she knits up fantastic items! Scarves and hats for the kids, cowels for her parents, and super warm socks for each member of our family! Nothing beats it!

  31. I love the lights and all the special music.

  32. Going carolling with friends, knitting beautiful things for the people I care about, the lights... Aw heck. I love it all!

  33. Time spent taking time out to bring joy to others. Family , friends and even total strangers are all brought to my attention during the holidays.

  34. I love the quiet and peacefulness that happens on Christmas Eve. I love being with my family and for at least one day a year, celebrating the Love that Is Eternal.

  35. Mince pies. Making 'em, eating 'em, giving 'em away.

  36. Family, laughter, games and food. I think in that order. Knitting when stuffed with turkey.

  37. I love spending time with my family - we often do a jigsaw puzzle over the season.

  38. Amazing giveaway!!!Love decorating tree with my daughter,making cookies,watching movies,going to church on Christmas eve,dinner,walk,breath in that magical in the air.

  39. the best part about christmas is spending time with my mother, and watching my kids interact with her!

  40. I've always loved Christmas, but ever since my miracle baby was born 2 1/2 years ago, it's taken on a new meaning for me. New beginnings, new wonder, new surprises, new traditions...and I'm so, so, so lucky to be able to share it with my little girl, husband and family.

  41. Christmas in our house starts with some fun. Our family Elf on the shelf arrives the day after Thanksgiving and starts having his own fun. We've found him drinking hot chocolate to catching a ride on the back of an angel. Soon after our tree gets decorated, my son (7) loves pulling out the ornaments and tells a story about each one. These are just a few things I love about Christmas, creating special memories with our loved ones.

  42. Having an excuse to knit scarves to give away, the smell of fresh-cut a Christmas tree, listening to my childhoood-favorite Christmas music, reuniting with family and friends.

  43. I like singing carols and going to church, shouting, "Christ is born!" "Glorify him!" and eating salami. I want this yarn!

  44. Show how much I appreciate someone by making them something and watching their face when they open/receive it.

  45. Peppermint. It's all over the place for the holidays.

  46. What I love most about the holiday season is the FOOD!

    (InJuneau on Ravelry too)

  47. I love sharing relaxing time with my family, watching movies together and cooking all together.

  48. I do like this season for the lightening of candles or the twinkling electric cord of lights and most definitely for home made hot chocolate. And for the smell of fire in the air when going outside for a late afternoon stroll. Of course while wearing several layers of woollies!

    Ciao, Fleur (Fleurtje-Eliza on Ravelry)

  49. Since our only child moved to the Yukon, Christmas isn`t quite the same, but I knit to keep her and her partner warm. And nothing like knitting something for someone to keep them in your mind. I have a lovely mental visit while I knit.

  50. Family ~ That's what I love about Christmas. The gatherings, the food, the laughter, the reconnecting with far flung relatives. All the memories being made and reminiscing of past memories. That's Christmas! :-)

  51. 26 of December, just us as a family spending time together, no stress just time together.

  52. I love all the free time I have to knit!

  53. Couldn't hold out any longer, I love those beautiful natural shades. Also wondering if you ever got around to making i-cord to knit with?

    PS: I goofed and commented on last month's post and deleted it. Sorry about that. What I love about Christmas is that the weight I've gained since Hallowe'en and Thanksgiving makes me feel like I might as well go all out at Christmas too!

    1. Now its january & time to start being more careful about what we eat.....knitting & eating its the worst thing we can do at the same time because we are motionless ! I'm now into having an ice cold bottle of water next to me and lots of fruit inplace of chocolates and gallons of tea. Lost 5 lb's since last 2 weeks.
      The I-cord i found it too large to knit with but i might try it again on some lace weight yarns.
      All the best to you and your mum !

  54. I love to decorate the Christmas tree and a lots of craft work an sewing.
    Thanks for the giveaway

  55. being snug in a warm cabin in the woods in Northern Maine. with the snow falling softly down.

  56. This Christmas was the best ever! Four generations of women celebrated Christmas on our Sheep farm in Waldo county Maine. Great grandma is 89 and great granddaughter is 3. We are blessed and very grateful.

  57. That is so much of yarn. thanks for the giveaway.
    Christmas brings in memories of baking cakes and gifting those. Decorations (of the house) are a must!!!!

  58. Everything! But Apple Cidar and Christmas music might be my favorite!

  59. Watching my children's faces on Christmas morning...That's the best!

  60. Jesus came to live in my heart at Christmas 1982.That is my greatest and personal celebration.The baby of Christmas became my Saviour.

  61. Time with family, even if the grandkid's are hopped up on sugar and on excitement overload
